Me and my beautiful girls

Me and my beautiful girls
I am always hiding in photos....

Sunday, April 3, 2011

What is that saying...? Me Bad....My Bad...yeah... My Bad (I think)

Anyway....My Bad, Me Bad, I Am sticking to my commitment to post.
Please forgive my badness.

As I had posted I injured my leg. Well it took much longer to heal than I thought. Anyway...once back to working out, I had a great workout on a Thursday morning with two classes back to back. All was great, I felt great and then Saturday afternoon my lower back was bothering me and by Monday I could hardly get out of bed!
Never had lower back problems before, not sure if it was the class or if I did something without realizing it.
Good grief it was the worst pain I have (well almost the worse-right ladies) every had. It is frightening when you can't move.
Not to drone on....or be a complainer so I will quickly move on. I am hoping to go back to working out on Tuesday , but will be taking it easy. It is pretty sad how quickly the weight comes back on when one isn't moving or getting enough exercise.

Ladies and gentlemen....It Has Been Proven! Exercise (and eating right) is the Only Way to lose weight and get Fit!

So get moving! Even if obstacles get in the way....Go around them, over them, under them, Do whatever it takes....Just Never Ever Ever Give Up!
Plan to Get Fit...and Stay Fit!

Monday, March 14, 2011

A New Lifestyle!

Good Morning....the sun is shining the temperature is above is a good day here in Wisconsin!
The kids are home this week, so we will see how many workouts I get in.

It has been almost two weeks since I have worked out. Not by choice mind you. It will be two weeks tomorrow that while working out in Shirley's class, I heard a popping sound in my left calf which left me unable to move. I must have pulled or over extended something which left me hobbling for a week and consequently not able to work out.
As big as a bummer as it is, it has allowed me to realize how much I benefit from regular exercise. Not only does it help me feel good physically, it is powerfully beneficial to my mental well being. I feel less stressed and better equipped to cope with the unpleasant stuff that life drops on you.

So tomorrow I am going back, and am praying that my leg is healed enough to allow a good work out. This injury has also emphasised the importance of exercise to maintain a strong body. One could look at this incident, and claim that exercise can hurt or harm you......NO just the contrary, exercise strengthens your body, to help prevent injury. And the statistics are clear....muscles shrink as we age.

In a recent study, researchers at the University of Nottingham in England found that three exercise sessions a week over 20 weeks was enough to reverse muscle wasting by increasing blood flow to the legs of older people to a level identical to the younger group.

Develop a new lifestyle, regular exercise will improve your life in many ways.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


What can I say.....other than "Sorry"  for the lack of posts. I can't expect dutiful followers or to inspire anyone, if I don't provide new posts. I commit to posting at least twice a week, and will aspire to every other day.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life.....
If one really thinks about the impact of that sentence, it is truly profound. One can literally only live in the present. The sentence definitely gives credence to let go of the past.
Today is full of new beginnings. If there is something in your life that you don't like....start to Change it today. Don't let the past drag you down....move forward! It is Easier than one thinks....if you stay positive. Just remember that you can only change yourself. However by doing so, will have a positive impact on all your relationships.

Do something positive for your self today! Get some exercise and eat something healthy!

Friday, February 11, 2011

You are what you eat!

The old adage "You are what you eat" has never been more true, according to modern physicians. We continually hear about the many benefits of eating well. A diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean protein has been proven to reduce the risk of diseases like heart disease, cancer, alzheimers and diabetes. But did you know that a healthy diet can also slow the aging process! I am so on board!

Studies are finding that diets rich in antioxidants not only give a person the tremendous benefit of preventing disease, they also help keep your body young.

This list of foods found to be the highest in antioxidants was compiled by Dr. Oz and can be found on :

Cholesterol Fighters: Beans (red, kidney, black, soy)
Cancer Fighters: Red Fruits - cranberries, pomegranate, raspberries
Heart Disease Fighters: Blue Fruits & Vegetables - purple potatoes, blueberries, purple grapes. black currents, red wine
Wrinkle Fighters: apricots, cantaloupe, lemons, pecans, almonds, sunflower seeds
Breast Cancer Fighters: Green Vegetables: broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, kale
I am a big fan of Dr. Oz and his program. I don't often get to watch the show, but his website is chocked full of valuable information, I highly recommend it.

Later I will share with you a way to get all the above foods in your diet in one quick and easy meal!

Eating a healthy diet can be more difficult and more time consuming. However once you have made the decision that your health is important and good health is vital to a good life, it becomes easy. It is far better to develop a good healthy lifestyle now, before an illness prompts you to do so.

Now for that recipe, get out your blender. If you are like me, I had to dust mine off. The only time I used my blender was to make milk shakes.... not any more! Any blender will do, mine is a $19.00 Hamilton Beach.
First add 2 cups of water or 1 cup water and 1 cup real 100% juice (cranberry pomegranate is great)
a handful of baby carrots or one carrot cut in to chunks (no real measuring needed)
two handfuls of broccoli (fresh or frozen)
a handful of spinach or cabbage or bok choy (you get the idea, any cruciferous vegie you like)
a handful of strawberries or raspberries (fresh or frozen)
a handful of blueberries (fresh or frozen)
half of a beet (cut up in to chunks)
one apple (quartered without the seeds)
one banana
1/2 cup firm tofu or 1/2 cup beans (rinsed)
Blend on smoothie setting.
Viola! you have every marvelous recommended antioxidant in one easy to drink meal! And your body and mind will feel great! This is easy to take along in the car in the morning on your way to work, or for you and the kids to drink on the way to school.

Note: You may need to pulse the blender to get things started. You may also need to add more water depending on the consistency you prefer, but the more liquid you add the less good nutritious food can fit.  When I began I would run out of room in my blender, and would have to drink some in order to add other items. With time you will know just how much of each food and how much liquid you desire.

To your average person (like most of the members of my family) this concoction sounds terrible. If I would have left out the green stuff (vegies) it would have gone over a lot better. Fruit smoothies are common, not smoothies made with spinach and broccoli! However I guarantee that they are delicious because the fruit taste is far more dominant than the vegie taste! And oh how good they make you feel!! Speaking from personal experience, within a half an hour or so of having one of these smoothies, I have a renewed energy and vitality!

Wishing energy, vitality and good health to you!

Friday, February 4, 2011

To Weigh or Not to Weigh....

I am not a proponent of weighing oneself daily or even often for that matter. It can be self defeating to do so.
I base this on personal experience. Just the other day, I weighed myself and the scale confirmed my opinion.

While at the Y after a workout, I was getting dressed and in the mirror I could see it's reflection....a was right behind me. I have about as much fondness for scales as I do getting a shot. For both, the anticipation is horrible. However, as much as I dislike scales, I had been working out quite religiously for about three weeks, and thought I should weigh myself and allow the scale to validate the rewards of my hard work.

I approached the scale, reluctantly I stepped on. It was a digital scale, the name on the scale said, "Dectecto". So I am on the scale and within seconds my weight appears. Or so what Mr. Detecto says is my weight. As I am looking at the number and already saddened by what I see, I notice that directly below the number, the scale also displayed a word in bold black letters. The word was GROSS.
Yep, right under my weight appeared the word gross....

Did I mention I don't care for scales?
Good grief, I thought, what a nasty scale. Whoever designed it, sure wasn't thinking! I am sure that gross was referring to gross weight, but don't we already know that?! As a measurement, gross means the item you are evaluating consists of the overall total exclusive of deductions. When standing on a scale in the buff, there are no deductions! Please wipe that visual from your mind.

My advice: Instead of weighing yourself daily or weekly, simply monitor your weight by how you feel and how your clothes fit! Weigh yourself maybe every two weeks. And if you are on the weight loss journey with me, I suggest weighing yourself every three weeks and definitely not at the Y with Mr. Dectecto!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mix It Up!

I haven't been very diligent about posting....but have been diligent about working out! I am realizing what classes I like and which instructors I prefer. As mentioned in a previous post, Shirley is a wonderful instructor. I was fortunate to speak to her yesterday about exercise, weight training and all that goes into being a healthy and fit person. She has many years of experience and knowledge as a personal trainer, and aerobics instructor including: Pilate's, kick boxing and yoga. She also has a black belt in karate. And she is super nice besides!

In Shirley's cardio fusion class she starts promptly at 9:00 and you go strong until 9:40. She doesn't stop for water breaks like some of the instructors. You keep moving without breaks! I have figured out what to expect in her class. She warms you up with some easier movements and then away you GO! Cardio Fusion is a combination step aerobics, aerobics and kick boxing. The moves continue to get more challenging as the class progresses, and a couple times (sometimes more) during the class she does "double time" this is simply doing what you were doing only FAST! This gets your heart rate into HIGH gear!  We had discussed the benefits of mixing it up. One's body gets use to the same types of exercise, so it is important to change your exercise in order to keep your body working at its optimum potential, and in order to achieve the best results. It is also important to push yourself and vary the intensity at which you work out. Thus the double time! If you walk, speed things up every 10 minutes or so. Even run or jog for 30 seconds or for a couple of blocks. Do this as often as you can in order to maximize your walk. You will burn more calories and will continue to burn them after your walk.

Another very interesting thing Shirley shared with me, was the value and benefit of weight training. She said that when you lift weights you continue to burn calories for up to two full days!! WOW, I am going to start weight training! I know that even after regular exercise, one continues to burn calories, but not for two full days!! And at my age (over 40) : ) strength and muscle training is essential. As we older people automatically lose muscle as we age.

So I hope to start doing Nautilus and some free weight lifting by Friday! I will keep you posted!
I will also post some great recipes that are low calorie and yummy!!

Enjoy your day!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Cardio Fusion kicked my butt! Shirley you rock!

Cardio Fusion is a wonderful workout. Shirley the instructor is great, she is tough yet inspiring.
Shirley uses the step and a combination of moves...."Double Time", shirley exclaims, this is when you step up and down on the step as fast as you can. Sweat drips off your nose onto the step and you just keep going, waiting for Shirley to say ok and your on to the next move. Ahhh it feels fabulous when you are done.

After Cardio Fusion comes the yoga/pilates class, where Shirley continues to inspire you to move and bend and "Lift and up and Eight More Times"...and you wait..."8,7,6,5,4,3"....ahhhh come on...,"2 and one"....sigh... relief!

I love Shirley's class!